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Economic Rockstar

Jun 25, 2015

Leah Bell spent tens of thousands of dollars on a college education for a degree in Education with the same hope of getting a job one day.  After struggling to find a teaching job as an Elementary school teacher, Leah had to work at a minimum part-time job to supplement her teaching salary. However, the school closed...

Jun 18, 2015

Noah Smith is Assistant Professor of Finance at Stony Brook University, New York where he is also a member of the Center for Behavioral Finance research team.

Noah’s research Interests include Experimental Finance, Behavioral Finance and Macroeconomics.

Noah was panel discussant for the Institute for New Economic...

Jun 11, 2015

Jason Shogren is the Stroock Professor of Natural Resource Conservation and Management and Chair of the Department of Economics and Finance at the University of Wyoming. 

Professor Shogren’s background and research interests include the economics of environmental and natural resource policy, experimental methods;...

Jun 4, 2015

Stephen Young is a Senior Lecturer at Brighton Business School and is subject leader for behavioural economics.


He is also Visiting Lecturer at Brighton and Sussex Medical School, where he teaches Behavioural Economics to health professionals, including commissioners, public health practitioners and GPs. 


As an...